carry out laboratory studies of chemical reactions, and analyze chemical reactions in terms of the type of reaction and the reactivity of starting that you understand the relationship among periodic trends, types of chemical bonding, and the properties of ionic and molecular compounds.
Overall Expectations In this unit, you will be able to Cozens, efficient processes for industry, Associate Professor, which will benefit every aspect of Dalhousie University, our lives.” Halifax We do this fundamental research because it is challenging and exciting, and because when scientists and technologists understand more about chemical processes, we will be able to design cleaner and more Frances L. We are trying to learn how these reactions work. There are more femtoseconds in one second than there have been days since the beginning of the universe!) We use these lasers to study reactions in which bonds form and break very quickly. (A femtosecond, 10–15 s, is an extremely short period of time. They produce very powerful bursts of light that last for time periods as short as 100 fs.
In my work, studying reactions, I get to use two remarkable devices: two ultrafast pulsed lasers that fill two laboratories. I have always been fascinated by new, high-tech equipment. “Chemistry is a field of science that quickly embraces new technologies, so it was a natural area to capture my attention.